Story of a life time
[17:27:04] Blajde ッ: woke up with an orgasm today again :D
[17:27:27] Anett: haha good for you ;)
[17:27:42] Blajde ッ: still never happend for you? :D
[17:27:45] Blajde ッ: jealous!?
[17:27:59] Anett: nop never happened :( cuz I'm jealous
[17:28:17] Anett: best start in the day you can have
[17:28:56] Blajde ッ: yeah but then it suxx
[17:29:12] Anett: because everything is dirty?
[17:29:15] Blajde ッ: cause you have to studie and your group doesn't show and you have to make the most of the assignment yourself
[17:29:24] Blajde ッ: yeah! and there's a gooey white mess in your boxers
[17:29:29] Anett: be happy to be a student
[17:29:36] Anett: working sucks
[17:29:52] Blajde ッ: I know! :D
[17:29:57] Blajde ッ: I am happy!
[17:30:16] Anett: 10-12 hours a day, no party during the week, no sleeping until 10 in the morning... FUCK MY LIFE
[17:30:39] Blajde ッ: but you can atleast buy stuf you don't have the time to use!
[17:31:02] Blajde ッ: so all you do is make yourself miserable and create a new persona that you play the roll of during your work
[17:31:05] Blajde ッ: fyl
[17:31:24] Anett: yes right I can't go shopping becuase I don't have the time, therefore I have to buy all the stuff in the internet ...
[17:31:41] Blajde ッ: hihihi :D
[17:31:51] Blajde ッ: My line of work is just thinking about stuf and play games
[17:31:56] Blajde ッ: My work will be my sparetime
[17:31:58] Blajde ッ: ;)
[17:31:58] Anett: and than I have to wait till the weekend to get my packages from the post office
[17:32:11] Blajde ッ: and then send them back cause they didn't fit
[17:32:16] Anett: right
[17:32:19] Anett: sucks
[17:32:24] Blajde ッ: yep
[17:32:32] Blajde ッ: I'm clearly lucky I came in my sleep today
[17:32:43] Anett: good job mister
[17:27:04] B: woke up with an orgasm today again :D
[17:27:27] A: haha good for you ;)
[17:27:42] B: still never happend for you? :D
[17:27:45] B jealous!?
[17:27:59] A: nop never happened :( cuz I'm jealous
[17:28:17] A: best start in the day you can have
[17:28:56] B: yeah but then it suxx
[17:29:12] A: because everything is dirty?
[17:29:15] B cause you have to studie and your group doesn't show and you have to make the most of the assignment yourself
[17:29:24] B: yeah! and there's a gooey white mess in your boxers
[17:29:29] A: be happy to be a student
[17:29:36] A: working sucks
[17:29:52] B: I know! :D
[17:29:57] B: I am happy!
[17:30:16] A: 10-12 hours a day, no party during the week, no sleeping until 10 in the morning... FUCK MY LIFE
[17:30:39] B: but you can atleast buy stuf you don't have the time to use!
[17:31:02] B: so all you do is make yourself miserable and create a new persona that you play the roll of during your work
[17:31:05] B: fyl
[17:31:24] A: yes right I can't go shopping becuase I don't have the time, therefore I have to buy all the stuff in the internet ...
[17:31:41] B: hihihi :D
[17:31:51] B: My line of work is just thinking about stuf and play games
[17:31:56] B: My work will be my sparetime
[17:31:58] B: ;)
[17:31:58] A: and than I have to wait till the weekend to get my packages from the post office
[17:32:11] B: and then send them back cause they didn't fit
[17:32:16] A: right
[17:32:19] A: sucks
[17:32:24] B: yep
[17:32:32] B: I'm clearly lucky I came in my sleep today
[17:32:43] A: good job mister